
COVID-19 Update





Guildford Manor Hotel & Spa is open and has taken the necessary precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our guests & staff members. We have outlined below the latest hygiene and safety measures we have implemented at Guildford Manor Hotel & Spa to ensure a Covid-19 Secure Environment, and we have been awarded the accreditation ‘We’re good to Go’ by Visit England.

Please note the below guidelines will be constantly updated following any new government guidance and regulations. If you still have any questions or concerns, then please speak to us directly on +44 (0)1483 222 624 or email us at reception@guildfordmanor.com



We politely request that if you, or anyone you have recently been in contact with, are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, that you call us to postpone your stay/visit. These include: A high temperature and a persistent cough, fever, breathlessness, sore throat, headache, and loss of sense of taste or smell. Where possible please adhere to the 24-hour cancellation policy, until you and your household members have been cleared of symptoms by 14 days.



We have plenty of free parking in our car park, reducing the need for public transport when travelling to the hotel.

Please respect social distancing wherever possible.

Please wash your hands with hand sanitiser before entering the hotel. Our hand sanitising stations are located within the lobby, the restaurant entrance and within the spa for you to use.

Our Reception Desk is fitted with a Perspex screen and is frequently sanitised with antiviral disinfectant wipes.

Please help us by paying with contactless card payments. PDQ machines will be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe after each use.

Your room key will be disinfected before and after each use.



Our bedrooms are cleaned and sanitised with a high-grade antiviral disinfectant fogger.

No access will be made to bedrooms during your stay and your room will be cleaned on departure. Housekeeping or Maintenance will only enter the room on request. If a member of staff needs to enter a room, they will wear PPE and we will ask you to vacate the room prior to our staff entering. If you require additional towels during your stay with us, please let our reception team know and we can deliver these to your room.

Housekeeping have been retrained and there is an added extra level of focus on “high-touch, deep clean” areas (light switches, door handles and thermostats).

Hotel linen is washed at high temperatures and laundered in house to minimise contact with outside sources.

All toiletries are brand new and single use within each guestroom, please feel free to take any away that are partly used as they will be disposed of when you depart.

Please use your bedroom toilet rather than toilets in public areas.



We have enhanced our cleaning measures within our public areas to include anti-viral cleaning and sanitising on high-touch point areas such as the reception desk, doors, and handrails throughout the day.

Please respect social distancing wherever possible.

Please use the hand sanitising stations located around the hotel.



We have modified our dining experience in the Newlands Corner Restaurant to allow maximum space for social distancing.

Restaurant reservations are for a maximum of 6 people per table.

Face coverings can be removed when you are seated in the restaurant during eating and drinking.

Please use the hand sanitiser on entry.

Salt, pepper, and condiments have been replaced with disposable sachets.

Please help us by paying with contactless card payments.



We operate a flexible cancellation policy which includes free cancellation for room reservations up to 24 hours before arrival. Please give us as much notice as possible should you wish to cancel or amend your booking.

What if I develop symptoms?

Should a guest have symptoms of Coronavirus during their stay, they must stay in their room and phone Reception as soon as possible to inform us. Guests are advised to call the NHS 111 service for further medical advice and self-isolate until symptoms pass unless they require an ambulance or hospital admission. All meals will be delivered to the door of the bedroom by a team member wearing PPE.



Staff will have their temperatures checked before each shift. They are required to know where the nearest hand sanitiser stations are, at all times and ensure uniforms are not worn during travel to and from work.

Our staff are provided with face masks and hygiene training designed to protect their and your well-being. Kitchen staff and housekeeping will have enhanced PPE where appropriate.

Staff have been advised of distance protocols including the no-handshake policy.

If an employee or their immediate family member does not feel well, they have been briefed to stay at home.



On arrival, all visitors must scan the QR code using the NHS COVID-19 Track and Trace App.

We can safely accommodate civil ceremonies, civil partnerships, and wedding receptions for up to 30 people with social distancing of 2 metres in place.

Baby showers, birthday parties, wakes and anniversaries are limited to a maximum of 6 people and can be accommodated in our main restaurant or in our private dining room.

You are required to wear a face covering inside the hotel, at all times. This can be removed when you are seated for drinks or food.

Our meeting and event spaces will be thoroughly cleaned prior to your event, seating will be distanced and there is hand sanitiser in the room.

For business meetings and events, we can continue to host “work meetings” in COVID safe spaces for up to 30 delegates.

Our team can arrange socially distanced show rounds for weddings and events, please email events@guildfordmanor.com for further information.



On arrival, all visitors must scan the QR code using the NHS COVID-19 Track and Trace App.

All areas of the spa will be disinfected on a regular basis.

Treatment rooms are sanitised between each client to include all surfaces being wiped with disinfectant, including door handles and chair handles.

All guests using the treatment rooms will expected to complete a guest health questionnaire.

Your temperature will be taken at the entrance of the treatment room and if your temperature is 37.8 degrees or above you will, unfortunately, be declined entry and expected to follow Government guidelines on self-isolating.

Chlorine use in pool to continue as usual. 

We have increased the provision of alcohol-based equipment wipes, sprays, tissues and communication to encourage guests to wipe down gym equipment after each use.

All gym users are expected to arrive in their Gym attire.

Hand sanitise stations will be located within the spa reception area.

Social distancing throughout your visit must be adhered to.


Join us on Sunday 25th February.

There’s no better place to begin your wedding journey than with us. You’ll have the chance to see our beautiful wedding venue in all its splendor. You’ll have the opportunity to explore our stunning grounds and chat about weddings with our expert team. Our handpicked suppliers will be there to help bring all of your fabulous ideas to life.
We can’t wait to see you there and begin this amazing adventure with you!
Head to our wedding page to get pre-registered.

Free Entry
11:00 - 14:30